The bushing is used for the outside of the mechanical parts to reach the sealing, wear and maintenance of the automotive bushings and other functions. Bushings are used in a wide range of applications. Bushings are used in many parts of agricultural machinery bushings in industry, such as valves and bearings.

The role of bushings
The flexibility of the bushing is relatively high. It can also play a role in self-lubricating sliding bearings. To sum up, the bushing is a kind of component for maintenance of the equipment. The use of bushings can reduce equipment wear, vibration, and noise, as well as prevent corrosion. The use of bushings also facilitates the maintenance of mechanical equipment and simplifies the structure and manufacturing technology of the equipment.
The role of bushing in practical work is closely related to its application environment and intent. In the field of valve application, the bushes are trapped in the valve cap by the device to reduce the leakage of the valve and reach the sealing effect. In the field of bearing applications, the use of bushings can reduce the wear between the bearings and the shaft seat and prevent the gap between the shaft and the bore from increasing.
Lining material
The material of the bushing is mostly soft metal, rubber, nylon and non-metal polymer, etc. The texture of these materials is relatively soft and the quoted cost is low. In a variety of harsh working environments, the bushes receive oscillations, conflicts, and corrosion to maintain the wrapped parts, and the bushes themselves are easily replaced after being damaged, the cost is low, and the economy is good.
Bushing selection factor
The range of bushings is large and there are many types. To select the appropriate bushings, it is necessary to consider its application intentions. Different types of bushings are selected for different operating conditions. The primary consideration in the selection of the bushing is the pressure, speed, pressure velocity product and load nature of the bushing. In addition, the bushing has not had a smooth, smooth condition but also decided on its utilization and durability.